Coming Fall 2025
Ridge Ferry Park

The chili cook off is set for Saturday, November 8. Gates open to the public at 10:00 a.m. Chili sampling and voting takes place on Saturday.
The arts and crafts festival takes place 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Parking will be $5 per car. Sample bracelets are available for purchase the day of the event for $5.
Each bracelet comes with three voting tabs for People's Choice voting. The numbers on the tabs do not correlate to points.
It is simply vote 1, vote 2 and vote 3. Teams do not get points for the tickets labeled with the corresponding number.
For more info on being a vendor or competing in the cook off, email Tyler Stinson at
2024 Cook-Off Results:
Best Team Name- Grateful Red
Best Booth- Outlaw Heifers
People's Choice
1st - Gawgia3
2nd- One and Done
3rd- Rome Roller Derby
Judges' Choice
1st- Papa Dew's Chili
2nd- Skip Dawg Chili
3rd- Jen Jen Chili