Special Needs
Challenger Baseball
Spring Season
Registration Dates: March 1 to March 24
Season Starts: Saturday, April 8
Cost: $50
Fall Season
Registration Dates: August 1 to August 25
Season Starts: Saturday, Sept. 9
Cost: $50
Baseball for special needs youth and adults. All games are played at Miracle Field next to the Rome Braves Stadium.
On-going Programs
One Step At A Time Dance Club
A dance club for special needs participants ages 18 and over. For more information please call 706.252.6427.
Ages: 18 & up
Time: 6 pm - 8 pm
Dates: Meets the third Thursday of each month at the Parker Center
Just As I Am Show Choir
A choir for special needs participants ages 18 and over. Sponsored by DIGS.
Ages: 18 & up
Cost: Free - all supplies provided by DIGS
Time: 6-7 pm
Practice: Every Tuesday from 6 to 7 p.m.
Location: Gilbreath Recreation Center
Call for details: 706.234.0383
Challenger Bowling
Ages: 6 and up
Where: Floyd Bowling Center on Hicks Drive
Cost: $3 per game
Winter Season
Season Dates: Jan. 7 to Jan. 28
Start Time: 11 a.m.
Summer Season
Season Dates: June 5 to June 26
Start Time: 11 a.m.
To register and to get dates, call Tammy Bryant at 706.234.0383.
Bowling for special needs youth and adults every Saturday during the season.
Challenger Basketball
Registration Dates: January 9 to 31
Season Starts: Saturday, Feb. 11
Cost: $50
Basketball for special needs youth and adults. Games are played every Saturday during the season at the Fielder Recreation Center.
Special Olympics
Floyd County Spring Games
Time and location to be announced. To make a donation, please call 706.252.6427.
Special Olympics Bowling
Thursdays in February from 10 a.m. to noon at Classic Lanes Bowling Center, beginning on February 2. For more information or to regsiter, please call 706.252.6427