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Drive Thru Truck or Treat Set for Halloween

Rome-Floyd Parks and Rec

Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation plans on celebrating Halloween with lots of candy, costumes and even a few mascots for the 2020 version of Truck or Treat presented by Coca-Cola.

On Saturday, Oct. 31 from 3:30 to 6 p.m., we will have drive thru Truck or Treat in the main parking lot at Ridge Ferry Park. RFPRA employees will be handing out bags of candy to truck or treaters in cars.

Our mascots Parky and Rex along with some other local mascots and businesses will be on hand to welcome our truck or treaters. Traffic cones will be set up to allow for an easy round about for cars to enter, get their candy, wave to the mascots and then exit.

Truck or Treaters must be in vehicles and must remain in vehicles during the drive thru.

Staffers will use boxes to give candy-filled bags to the cars. Each truck or treaters age 12 and under can get one bag with a limit of four bags per car.

“We’re excited to be able to have our annual Truck or Treat event although it will be a bit different this year,” RFPRA Director Todd Wofford says. “We wanted to make sure kids had a chance to wear their costumes and get candy in a safe environment. We’re also excited to have Parky and Rex and some other local mascots on hand to provide extra Halloween cheer.”

For more information about the event or to find out how to help participate or be a sponsor, please visit

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